Why detoxification is important and simple steps you can take.

I recently read Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, considered one of the greatest science books of all time. Published in 1962, this book launched the environmental movement, and it is still relevant today (sadly, not much has changed). According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG): “When Congress enacted the Toxic…

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Hot and Sour Orange Smoothie

Even though it’s cold outside, I’m still drinking my detox smoothie for breakfast every morning. I just feel so much better when I start my day off with a healthy infusion of fruit, vegetables, antioxidants, bioflavonoids, protein and the ever-important ingredient: water! As much as I like change, I still…

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Raspberry Beet Smoothie

Beets for Breakfast? Sure! They will brighten up an otherwise dull pink smoothie while providing great benefits for your body. Beets contain betaine and betalin pigments, both of which support detoxification. Betaine is made up of choline (a B vitamin) and 3 methyl groups. These molecules regulate inflammation and can…

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